Cannot replicate, One crash log you provided isn't even related to EC2 and the other doesn't point to EC2. Please use the latest version of EC2 and if it happens...
Can you please check with version 2.5.13. If its still happening please post the crash log, Forge and AE2 Version.
Can you please check with version 2.5.13. If its still happening please post the crash log, Forge and AE2 Version.
Please specify what version of Forge/AE2/EC2 you are using.
Unable to reproduce. Please try disabling mods one at a time to see if that fixes it.
I was in the middle of testing this when some things came up and I will be unable to mod for a while. Could you please test with the latest...
Looks like I didn't probably make WirelessCraftingTerminal an optional mod. It should load fine once you add the mod, but I will try to fix that issue soon.
Sorry for the delay in information. Basically, I switched the cells to use the new AE2 Cell Handler code, however, this means how the cell stores the NBT is no...
Unable to reproduce with the latest version, what version of Minecraft, Forge, AppEng, ExtraCells and Modpack (If Applicable) are you running?
I've started porting Baubles to Forge 1.13. API should work fine but there is currently no GUIs. I will hopefully release on CurseForge under "Baubles 1.13+" (if no objections are...