Brock McKean
Brock McKean
mean-admin is installed under `node_modules`. You cannot `mean install mean-admin` from cli in shell, because of file ownership and rights to `node_modules`. If you pull and `mean install mean-admin`, it...
A simple error message that explains that it must be run without sudo/root will be less confusing for new users.
Several different issues that have surfaced recently have had little to no evidence initially of their root cause including `mean register` username length and `mean init` package installation (differences between...
Instead of assuming Mongo and Mongoose are present, prompt to install or print error and halt.
A prompt to inform the user they may not want to install as root would help them avoid some currently obscure errors.
Installing a default mean-admin user would allow the mean-admin package to be much easier to access initially. However, a default user might be insecure to expose like that for a...