Ill try the new code. Does the memory usage method above suggest that currently a certain configuration ( cluster size and spark properties to allocate the resources) is needed for...
I am a novice with Spark I am afraid, but I found some references to what sounds like a memory issue. This was trying to run a 50% sample on...
If I bump up the executor memory to 64GB I can train 50% of the rows (450million). I noticed that this last step, if it has 4 tasks or less,...
I had 64 to 128 GB assigned to executors during various tests. I am using EMR. Looking forward to the new memory efficient version!
@imatiach-msft just checking to see if this has been made available yet?
An example would be helpful. I am not sure how to structure the X and y. I have seen where each record is a (e.g. features for a query document...
@becksimpson I am not sure I followed this completely - just starting with lightweightmmm but is there a way here to provide custom priors for the betas for a channel,...
@becksimpson Thanks for the reply! I should have been more detailed. I am indeed talking about priors on the coefficients that get multiplied against the saturated adstock. I am looking...
I see - so you are saying ..... From an experiment, you think that Channel A roughly has an effect of 0.02 which is that each additional impression of media...
@becksimpson Thanks for such a detailed response! I wanted to give it some thought and provide a thoughtful response. From your reply: 1. I am not sure exactly what you...