Same problem. Unplugging and reinserting adapter helps..
@dhadanalock Since updating my zigbee2mqtt docker to latest version (1.33.1) i cant control my lock anymore. State reporting (locked/unlocked) is fine Do you have the same problem? Getting this in...
@Koenkk Do you have any idea why I cant control the lock after 1.33.1? I tried to delete the device from z2m and now I can't even pair it again.....
Hi Dan. I tried that before starting the pairing proces, but without luck. It flashes green around 10 times but never goes to white. No reaktion in Z2M...
Did not help. still 10 green and no white. No reaction in Z2M.. Date: 05.20.2021
I've had mail contact with you in danish back in april :) I did a update then... Shall i do it again? (we can continue in danish again)
Restarted the hub for the 4. time Ran the cycle again an suddently it only flashed 5 times and BOOM!Back i Z2M and I can control it again :) Really...
I dont use pincodes :) I updated Z2M because I installed new Sonoff radiator thermostats and they needed it to work.
Hi again. Unfortuatly I lost the connection again yesterday. Cant control the lock from Z2M. Redid the process but the lock is back to flashing 10 times and not pairing.