Brian Henry

Results 88 comments of Brian Henry

I don't think it's possible. > The API only tracks a single tracking or reference number with each tracking request See page 30 of [UPS Developer Kit API Tech Support...

I was working on this today and have it working in principle. I'm reading the output of `/usr/bin/log stream --predicate 'subsystem == ""' --info` using a [Process() and Pipe()](, using...

The problem is that Action Scheduler has no `autoload` key in [its composer.json]( You can fix this by adding this to Mozart's config: ``` "override_autoload": { "woocommerce/action-scheduler": { "classmap": [...

Try this: ``` { "require": { "ezyang/htmlpurifier": "*" }, "require-dev": { "cweagans/composer-patches": "~1.0", "coenjacobs/mozart": "*" }, "extra": { "patches": { "coenjacobs/mozart": { "Classmap shizz": "", "Override Autoload": "", "Run wide...

My understanding is the `dep_directory` is for classes that can be autoloaded based on their namespace/directory hierarchy, and that the `classmap_directory` is for classes that need to be explicitly listed...

It wasn't a question particularly at you, but one I'm unsure about. I _think_ `composer dump autoload` generates a classmap file but still requires including/requiring the composer autoloader. I wrote...

I've [rewritten #60]( to use [Composer's createMap() function](, i.e. we just tell it the `dep_directory` path and the `classmap_directory` path and it does the heavy lifting. This hugely simplified the...

Using `createMap()` on Mozart's output directories, then un-prefixing, then looking up the files in Composer's classmap autoloader and deleting what's found could be used as a more targeted way to...

This is already addressed in #63 (unmerged). And as I say in the comment on #47, the best approach is probably to use [Composer's own Factory::create()]( to parse composer.json. I'm...

This is my fault. The library (my own) that is used in tests requires PHP 7.4. I'm not sure why this came up just here for you. i.e. how was...