
Results 10 issues of Mike

Can you please provide strict, oneway-flow description for adding SwiftOCR to MAC project. Thanks.

How can I make multiple selection?

How can we use you framework in swift?

Is subj possible?


Hi I have next code: guard let url = self.documentDirURL, let folder = try? Folder(path:url.path) else { return } DispatchQueue.global().async { folder.makeSubfolderSequence(recursive: true).forEach { folder in let list = folder.subfolders.filter({...

Could you provide an image of correspondence of candideVertices index and their face position?

for example - prices range: a lot of products at range 5-2000, but max price = 100000. As a result - you cant select ranges for prices < 10000

Setting handler size after min/max was set leads to handlers collaps. Change line position - bug gone.

Hi, I'm trying to perform subj but with no luck. Is it possible somehow?