Breno Mazieiro
Breno Mazieiro
We have a deal! But first I'm going to create a branch on my fork and when things get hot i will come back. I believe its is a gonna...
Just follow this guide: And dont forget to "match" the addon dependency version with the @storybook/react Example: "@storybook/addon-actions": "^4.1.4", "@storybook/addon-knobs": "^4.1.4", "@storybook/addon-notes": "^4.1.4", "@storybook/addons": "^4.1.4", "@storybook/react": "^4.1.4",
I'm working at redux branch right now... my goal is everything!
@faintx4 #356
Do you mean something like that? ``` type Query { usersBySubstring(substring: String, first: Int): [User] @cypher( statement: "MATCH (u:User) WHERE CONTAINS $substring LIMIT $first RETURN u" ) } ```
@seandavi this is an "example repository", I believe it is not for production, you should do a lot of things if you want something "production like", like adding authentication and...
Any news about it? It would be really nice to have it!