Exactly. Post-recieve hooks run after a remote gets updates. Post-commit runs after each commit. For some reason, however, my post-commit is not working.
Here's where I got binaries and install instructions from:
Afloat crashes Keychain when it tries to load authentication dialog. Other than that I've had no issues.
I cannot seem to get this working. Can you please share your config?
Seeing the same issue with accented Artist and Track names "Bublé" becomes "BublÃ@" and esperándote becomes "esperándote"
This may indeed be the issue that has been grinding my server to a halt every two days.
Seeing this issue reappearing over the past week. PC Memory fills up: when browsing resources, the top process for Working Memory is Memory Compression, and second process is Tdarr_Server_Runtime Restarted...