Brendan Webb
Brendan Webb
try falling back to WSL 1 and running the install script: `wsl --set-default-version 1` at a cmd/powershell prompt > maybe microsoft changed something with mountin the c drive inside wsl?...
> However, I don't think changing the default WSL version to 1 doesn't solve the problem. Thanks for your reply. I did this in a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 WSL setup,...
in any case, I found that it somehow worked, and if it does for others, great! if not, yeah ok maybe go check wsl.conf
Can confirm removal of the quotes has resolves the HTTP 500. However, I can't say the same about setting TRUSTED_PROXIES and the Part-DB Docker container continuing to point the browser...
Sorry for the delayed reply, been meaning to get to this but completely forgot. It appears Part-DB is trying to hit http://localhost:8069/media/cache/thumbnail_xs/img/default_avatar.png but is getting ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. At the time of...
Upgraded to 1.10.0, issue persists.
Hey there! Can confirm that's resolved with 0.10.1, thank you so much. Looks like there's also some issues with pulling assets relating to product photos however: localhost:8069/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail_sm/media/part/1/ryzen55600gboxed-6565718ee9342.jpg:1 GET https://localhost:8069/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail_sm/media/part/1/ryzen55600gboxed-6565718ee9342.jpg net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED...
Just had a closer look at this, if it helps at all it looks like this is, at least on the surface, isolated to just the list views at the...