Brendan Moore
Brendan Moore
I was surprised to discover this was not possible when looking at the label styling. Can anybody speak to the place that might be appropriate for adding support for this...
Digging down, I think I'd start poking around the `getLabelProps` in `victory-pie` and perhaps add support for a `connectingLine` style, or something like that. Since we have the label...
Unfortunately I can't, @ngocht143 - sorry. The above was my initial investigation to determine if it would be feasible to extend this functionality to meet a requirement. I determined it...
Personally I'd prefer a consistent `await`-able function, but I can see the value in supporting non-async Buffers as an option. Could the promisify be handled internally? ie, always return a...
@mohsen1 our convention for our stateless functional components is to use: ``` import MyInnerComponent from '../my-inner-component'; function MyOuterComponent({ isInnerComponentIncludedBool }) { ... return ( { isInnerComponentIncludedBool ? : null /*Or...
@kevinsimper True, it's more compact. We stick to the other convention because instead of `null` we often want to show some placeholder text or replacement component. @mohsen1 you're right, there's...
Were you getting errors about `fs` `proxyquire` and/or `module` not being found? My project uses webpack also and I am seeing console errors about those modules. The basic node shapes...