 Maybe the loom will auto delete older cache and auto select the latest one ?
已解决,看2楼 已解決,請參考第二樓的內容 Loom 1.7.412 ``` parchment_version=parchment-1.21:2024.07.28@zip minecraft_version=1.21 ``` ``` subprojects { apply plugin: "dev.architectury.loom" dependencies { minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${minecraft_version}" mappings loom.layered() { officialMojangMappings() parchment("${parchment_version}") } } } ``` project build.gradle [here](
As the title conveys, it changes the filename, but not the references in the other files 
 I can't reac what it shown. JUST because the component BOUND. Please allow us to adjust the size or just add a Slider like this: 
Please allow users to custom undefined block texture even just simply color 
Minecraft: 1.21 NeoForge: 21.0.143 Architect Plugin: 3.4.159 Architectury Loom: 1.7.412 ``` modImplementation("thedarkcolour:kotlinforforge-neoforge:5.5.0") ``` ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Module thedarkcolour.kotlinforforge reads more than one module named fml_loader at java.base/java.lang.module.Resolver.resolveFail(