GPUImage3 copied to clipboard
GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
Hi All, I'm trying to use GPUImage in my app and I'm facing the following problem : I would like to have the camera output in a squared view (due...
Seems like there is no implementation for AverageLuminanceExtractor() which I was using from GPUImage2. I'm trying to get the overall brightness from the camera. Any suggestions? Or, is this something...
Hi everybody, I'm using Camera & Filter ``` = try Camera(sessionPreset: .medium) self.filter = PolkaDot() --> self.filter --> self.renderView ```` But I don't how to zoom in, zoom...
Hello, As an avid user of GPUImage, I am finally making the move to GPUImage3. Getting started and I haven't found the HighPass, LowPass or MotionDetection filters. Are they available...
Using the sample code from GPUImage2 for `processImage()` works if you provide `synchronously: true` but if its `synchronously: false` it will never call the callback: ``` let toonFilter = SmoothToonFilter()...
Did I write the right code? `public extension Array where Element == PlatformImageType { func filterWithOperation(_ operation:T) -> PlatformImageType { return filterWithPipeline{ inputs, output in inputs.forEach { (input) in input...
Is there a way to use GPUImage3 as a framework and have own custom metal shaders in app bundle? As far I understand all shaders should be in `` otherwise...
reference issue #76
fix 循环引用