@weitzhandler I would be very interested to hear of some apps currently being written with it. I stopped following the project a bit ago unfortunately.
@weitzhandler This is a very interesting option It uses Xamarin.Forms's UWP version port of theirs, So if you already have a X.F app, that might work to get...
Ours is all over the place as well. What I have noticed is any elements laid on top of each other are pushed down vertically, like they are in a...
@praeclarum Frank, this seems to be happening with large Forms projects. We dont use Elmish but all of our objects lay out vertically regardless of the Forms layout being used.
Yea I noticed there was no version declared, but it wasn't throwing an error so I didn't put too much into it as I am in the same boat when...
Well I changed it over to 320 es and still cant get anything to render on screen. Here is the code I used: ``` private readonly string[] _Es2_ShaderVertexSource = new...
Ok thanks much. We're going to move back to opentk for the time being but would love if you could get that chance, thanks much for putting the time into...
I added support for WinPhone. Is there a way to use NGraphics for WinPhone instead of wrapping in XAML? It doesnt seem like it is far off for us to...
Tested under iOS, works under new update. Brad
Ohh sweet! Thats weird it worked fine in one and not the other. I have never targeted WinPhone so this will be the first, although I have used Silverlight plenty....