My attempts to download images from Deviant Art with gallery-dl 1.26.6 are immediately returning with 'API responded with 429 Too Many Requests.' warnings and multi-second sleeps. Running with '-v' I...
> @Brad3273 Try it again. If my guess is correct, it should have "fixed" itself by now, as the old `access_token` from the default client has expired. You're right! It...
> Deviantart seems to have SIGNIFICANTLY lowered their API limits. My new app, made two days ago, is already returning 429. Is it at all possible to download much from...
I don't know much about this sort of thing, but ... I grabbed *all* of the cookies from a Bing browser sesson (using the DevTools Network inspector) and just copied...
My browser doesn't have a BCP cookie when using Bing Image Creator?
> does it work with the addition of SRCHHPGUSR= in your case? Yes it does! Thanks. So, I've got just _U and SRCHHPGUSR cookies and it appears to be working...
After a day or two it stopped working for me again, so I went back to copying all the cookies, and that has been working to date.
Yes, it is still working for me. I'm copying the entire 'cookie' string from the browser's requests header for the /images/create?q=... query into dist/imgen.js before I run bimg.
Bimg has been working brilliantly for me every day, as of 24 hours ago when I last used it. As per my last comment I copy the entire cookie header...