Boyce Lig
Boyce Lig
我是在windows环境下运行的,我用cmd运行时,他可以添加,但是我安装了服务之后,后台运行的服务就不能添加了 "I am running in windows environment, when I run it with cmd, he can add it, but after I installed the service, the service running in the background can't...
我是在Gitblit自建的网站里添加SSH的公匙,但是点击添加没反应 "I am adding the SSH public key in Gitblit's self-built website, but it doesn't respond when I click Add"
具有写入权限,浏览器为Edge。我察看了#984 ,我的ssh格式是正确的,但是我在另外一台电脑去操作时候他就可以正常添加,所以我也不太清楚什么问题。我现在的电脑重新做了系统,也无法复现这个问题了。 With write access, the browser is Edge. I checked #984, my ssh format is correct, but it can be added normally when I go to another computer, so...