
Results 5 comments of Bourne-ID

Hey, I've been looking at this and playing around with it for a few days. I had hoped the new HTTP_BOOT (option 7) might have made it easier, IE flash...

Quick update on my side - manual steps of Net Boot (w/ blank SD card and NFS) into Rocky, flash the IMG file to local storage and then reboot seems...

Still tapping away at this. I've managed to get RPI to boot through dnsmasq to pick up rpi essential files from TFTP. I've then managed to use a NFS4 docker...

Curious as to why the root password should be changed? I thought the security of containers is done on the host, therefore adding a root password has little effect on...

There's a few incidents where a command is expected to finish successfully, or error reporting doesn't retry/exit the script (tar extracts is another instance). We need to agree on an...