Sean Boran
Sean Boran
I'm hacking the template example in nginx-proxy for my own needs , e.g for (mixed) http/s. First question is that I see some pull requests for various nginx examples, but...
Hi, It is suggested on the pgptool home page to install java from . However on my mac i12.5 t refuses to install: seems to be a code signing...
I had an issue where PVs had space when mounted via glusterFS df /var/lib/heketi/mounts/vg_XXXX/brick_YYY/brick), but 'lvs' should the volumes as being full. The tool fstrim came to the rescue, running...
I cloned to /var/www/tractor, did the "cd tractor; sudo gem install bundler; bundle" and added the snippets from the README for app/views/home.html and layouts/home_layout.html The browser console for http://myserver/tractor/app shows:...
Hi, I gave your tools aspin, cloned this repo and ran, it ran though the installation fine, the zabbix path was set to /usr/local/share/zabbix-frontend . A link was created...
After install owncloud (to have dependencies), the pyowncloud repo was cloned and "python install" ran. It did not complain and finished up with: running install_egg_info Writing /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyOwnCloud-0.4.pre.egg-info But not...