Custom Ir load works fine here in Reaper.
Where do you manually copy the mod folder ? I tried replacing everything in the .LV2 or just adding no duplicate from my make folder that did not work I...
I actually thought MOD UI'S meant modified UI's, like a new skin. So these can't be seen on AVLinux is that what I'm understanding here ? Le ven. 2 déc....
I only get the generic Reaper UI out of the original install in AVLinux something I should know about making the GUI show ?
Thank you for working on this. I'm not savvy at all when it comes to building it's hit and miss for me but I was able to do it with...
> Ah, yes, I remember. There is a feature request in the ttl files which is deprecated. That needs to be removed. Sorry, I always come over it (It's only...
Thank you !!!!! Everything works now I really appreciate your efforts !
I actually have only one that is not showing GUI: Axisface