
Results 5 issues of BoomerBrian

I tried using your OneJar plugin to jar up a Groovy project and it didn't work. After looking at the plugin source it looks like it only works with Java....

Is there a reason only the bundled.js file is checked in? I would like to make some UI enhancements.

How do we change the sensor names? For example how to change garage-sensor-1 to garage-fermentation.


Trying to figure out the best way to add page breaks. I tried adding css page breaks but that doesn't seem to work well. I also tried inserting empty tables...

Getting the following errors when trying to install on 5.3.1. Those resources aren't there. ERROR in ./plugins/kibana-html-plugin/public/html.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' /usr/share/kibana/plugins/kibana-html-plugin/public/deps/ace-builds/ace.js in /usr/share/kibana/plugins/kibana-html-plugin/public @...