
Results 128 comments of Bohu

@XQDD Hi, what's the code version of mystreamer?

@XQDD This is the foreign key constraint issue caused by MySQL, please try: ``` -vars "SET GLOBAL FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0" ```

@XQDD Thanks for your information, fixed: 3d6f7635e3eb0e1c759a9866bf8dfbd923bb59c9 Please pull the master and build again.

There is no plan to support 8.0 yet, welcome to improve.

That's right. This is @junnplus is working on, we store internal files information to the databend-meta, don't fetch them from underlying object storage with `opendal.list`.

FYI: Databend will use the opendal `op.list` and not store any file meta in metasrv(We will remove: store stage file meta to metasrv) in the future.

MySQL 8.0 not planned yet.

This is in high priority, also cc @lichuang to have a look before @ariesdevil work from fuse engine external location back.

@drmingdrmer We will first try the XOR filter instead of the old raw bloom filter, then @dantengsky will help me to adapt the raw bloom filter to the new XOR...