
Results 128 comments of Bohu

Yes, it's not impl yet.

There is no streamer in the latest version, so we can't use it never. The config mentioned is used here: The main idea is to mark your sensitive data...

metadata is a empty and we can't use it anymore. This is more complex in the multi-thread dumping, so mydumper fakes it.

Hi, what's the transaction mean here? Is it 'begin; ...; commit' ?

Thanks for the information. But go-mydumper still have no plans to add support for MariaDB.

Hi, This feature is in the roadmap(time has not yet been set for). And welcome to try to break the version. Thanks.

Hi, this issue maybe duplicate with #3 Please set the foreign variable in MySQL by yourself berfor dumping. On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 22:09 Raphael Syed wrote: > First...

Sure, it's on the plan. Thanks.

@syerad Hi, mydumper/mystreamer has add vars flag, we can set as: ``` ./bin/mydumper/mystreamer -h -P 3306 -u test -p test -db mydb -vars "SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0" -o mydb.sql ```