A stab at updating the MR in #47
Resolves Although this could quite easily be integrated in `\Drupal\Sniffs\Semantics\FunctionTriggerErrorSniff`, I've opted for a separate rule. Main reason being that there are two known unsilenced deprecations already. Adding to...
# Feature request Torn between a bug report or a feature request, but the latter sounds more friendly... After the excellent work #592 landed in 1.1.37, we looked at dropping...
Resolves #561
# Feature request Title kinda says it all, related to
# Feature request Over in catch wrote: > The ending with test feels like something we could add to phpstan - any non-abstract subclass of whatever the root test...
# Bug report _(Now that all Entity Query problems seem to be solved, I looked a bit closer at the Trusted Callbacks, so expect some more issues on that)_ Currently...
Closes #6091
Currently, there seems to be no possibility to sanitize a database that isn't defined as the default database. **Describe the solution you'd like** Add the `--database` option to make it...