Daniel Laing
Daniel Laing
Looking at the docs, this doesn't seem to be an option. We could change `plugins.dap.configurations.*` to be attrs of anything and allow the user to configure it according to the...
Could we also look into better lua integration? Writing lua code as a nix string is far from ideal, and makes even a simple missing comma much harder to catch....
What if there were two ways of configuring a plugin with nixvim: 1. The standard nixvim way that is in use right now. 2. Nixvim reads a lua file with...
[nixpkgs PR](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/301231)
> I'm pretty keen to contribute and fix this myself, just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to idiomatically map props from `settings.enableRoslynAnalyers` -> `enable_roslyn_analyzers` There...