> Bang md lagi err? Error gimana, coba buat issue baru yang ngejelasin error nya
This bug has been fixed in
I apologize that the reply is so late. The generateHash function comes from reverse engineering a website, from the website's javascript source code. But you need to decode it yourself...
Try to use @bochilteam/scraper 5.0.1 version
Try to use @bochilteam/scraper 5.0.1 version
Bisa kasih error message nya?
Try to use @bochilteam/scraper 5.0.1 version
Try to use @bochilteam/scraper 5.0.1 version
I've tried to scrape that website, but it returned negative -- Response code 401 (Unauthorized). Here is my code ```ts import got from 'got' import { InstagramdlArgsSchema } from '../types/index.js'...
Try to use @bochilteam/scraper 5.0.1 version