Results 67 comments of BochilGaming

# English 1. create a new [replit]( using [nix-beta]( 2. replace the replit.nix file with ``` { pkgs }: { deps = [ pkgs.nodejs pkgs.nodePackages.typescript pkgs.ffmpeg pkgs.imagemagick pkgs.git ]; }...

coba pakek replit.nix yang baru seperti

Atau bisa di ping web nya pakek uptime robot

> cara pasang bot wa grup yg klw member kluar muncul poto profilenya gmna? ketik /enable welcome di group yang mau ada welcome/left

> > > > drop ini /enable welcome dmnanya min? Ketik di group whatsapp yang mau di enable itu nya

Hmmmm........ kasus yang sulit tapi w dah pernah liat exit itu tapi gtw knp, aku gk pernah

> > # English > > > > 1. create a new [replit]( using [nix-beta]( > > 2. replace the replit.nix file with > > > > ``` > >...

> Add fitur traade and make item,,added some armor and effects, also features fishing and buying tools:) I already have it but I haven't published it yet

> perbedaan nya apa? Sama support pakek db onlen

#102 @Adiixyz , @Fernazer , @idhamthoriqbot , @Dawnfrosty, @claserjr :v