Could this be this problem? In the patch 0009-aml-Change-the-sample-rates-that-are-supported-by-AL.patch, 32000 is missing from the sample rates that are changed, i.e. it needs "case 32000:" appended after "case 22050:"
I am using OE 4.97.2 on m201 board. I have built the code with the change I suggested and it fixes the problem. If 32000 is a supported rate then...
Here's another 32KHz one. They're usually dodgy streams which get removed after a while #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="BoxNation.png" group-title="UK SPORTS", BoxNation rtmpe:// playpath=sboxn live=1 pageUrl=!25 token=#yw%tt#w@kku timeout=15 Taken from the larger...
I tried various combinations, but refresh rate and audio clock settings have no effect on this issue. As I said, mapping 32000 to 44100 in the patch fixes the problem.