you have multiple devices listed here. which one?
try this branch, maybe it will work... probably not `npm i -g BobbyT/homebridge-zigbee#gledopto`
redo the npm command, the controller might work now, for on and off. colour temperature might take a while. the zigbee.db dump doesn't show any attributes for light control of...
I added the colour temp code from another rgb lightbulb, maybe it works. redo the npm command
I think I have some colors working.... redo the npm cmd and test it please
sry... didn't have time. the code is mostly guess work, as I don't know how to debug this project.
You probably need to add the characteristic for energy consumption. Check your zigbee.db, your device should have `endpoints.clusters`, one of them should be for that purpose. Also take a look...
@jxer I think this could be it? > Recently optimised mjminer plotter to produce fully optimised plots directly. Source: Detailed Description:
hi, I think I have a similar issue. Since 7 hours or so the plotter is at `100% Percent done. (ASYNC Write)`. No nonces/minute prompt. Two threads are still running...
@ITwrx you are using `./plotavx2 -k numericburstid -x 1 `. Is this by mistake or doesn't your CPU support AVX2? If it does, you should have used -x 2. If...