That’s really helpful to know! Does it happen only after using one of the wands on the Wroughtnaut? Or does it happen by itself anyway?
Vanilla minecraft item models can't support Sol Visage model...
Update your Mowzie’s Mobs installation to 1.5.15.
You did not tell me this. And it’s only been two weeks.
I’d love to have this as well, but couldn’t think of a system for it. I’ll see what I can do. I’m also open to changing up the built-in trades....
The masks are intentionally only obtained through killing them. Blow darts, blow guns, and spears are only obtainable through trades already. Are you sure the trades are lacking? There are...
Understood. Definitely planning to add this at some point.
Is this issue still present? Frostmaws were intended to despawn in previous versions, but will not in future releases. The crystal not despawning with them was a separate issue.
Can I see the full crash log, please?
Hmmm... Does this happen with every Barakoa village? Or just one in particular? Does this happen in singleplayer as well?