
Results 7 issues of BlurryLight

其字体差异可以见[以下连接](,不仔细对比很难看出差异,有相关的文章讨论此话题[Times New Roman 与 LaTeX ](。使用 newtx 系列宏包可以很方便的引入此字体。

在github搜索的API: 和项目中的API好像不太一样。。

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## Information **VIM version** ``` VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Mar 13 2023 19:52:41) Included patches: 1-1403 ``` Operating System: Windows10 + MSYS2 UCRT64 ## What...


### Describe the bug When vs-picgo is uploading files while focus is on OUTPUT tab in bottom of VSCode, at the time the upload finishs, vs-picgo just notifies the upload... the code snippnet is trying to first transfer data to `upload heap` and then using `vkCopyBufferToImage` to transfer data into device-local memory. However, the `staging buffer` is created with...

i merged rgb png and depth png into `.pcd` files and found that the rgb image and the depth image were not registrated. I'm not sure whether it works as...