Got the same issue, the debug breakpoints is set one line below the actual location. Using vite 2.1.5 and vite-plugin-vue2 1.4.3. However, here I have `````` at top already.
cleared both vite cache and browser cache still same issue. using vite 2.2.4 and vite-plugin-vue2 1.5.2
This seems to be resolved for me now using vite 2.5.0 and vite-plugin-vue2 1.8.1 so this can probably be closed now.
I'm hitting this issue as well but using EF.Functions.DateDiffDay. Seems to trigger nearly always after a hot reload.
This still seem to be an issue. To get around the issue I usually just hit ctrl-r in the dotnet watch terminal. The problem with this is that the injected...