I recommend disable the reccomplex nature generation (trees, mushrooms, etc.), in the config file find generateNature and do this: `generateNature=false`, vanilla trees will generate again.
Yes, these textures aren't implemented yet. Is possible add them?
> -large chemical reactor Sounds nice, What will be their uses?
Is possible create machines with CT or another integration of this?
Are you using the latest version of GTCE and GA?
There will be something (example: mods) causing a recipe conflict.
Wait! Are you using a version above 394? If the answer is yes, the versions above 394 are incompatible with the latest version of GA, because these fork is outdated....
> @MineTech123 I'm sorry, but Shadows of Greg is an absolute crap mod. There is no circuit progression, tons of recipes are missing, and a LOT of other things are...
> Also, just because its abandoned by @EmosewaPixel doesn't mean its gone forever, someone can still continue fixing this mod to make it compatible with GT:CE once again. I've seen...
> Hello, it is again me. Who is steel needed this mod, so i updated its to work with latest gregtech-1.12.2- If you want, you can [donwload]( working jar and...