Any news on this? Having the same issue with all bars.
I had the same issue, plus the order of the comments seemed kind of random. The newest ones did not appear at the bottom, but somewhere in the middle.
While this does look nice and I myself have some whacky stencil-support patched into my SFML-fork, it still is yet another step further away from an OpenGL Core Profile /...
Stencil is part of the core profile, but alpha test (and glAlphaFunc) is not. On one side I really like this PR, because I will finally officially have my stencil...
Not entirely easy actually, because this requires a shader which in return means that either a user-defined shader will break this masking-feature or the user will not be able to...
Well, default-rendering with a default-shader ain't a big issue though, since SFML only needs to bind the default-shader whenever a user-defined one is being disabled. But its going a little...
See my edit about the attachments.
WhatsApp & Instagram do it that way. Their pickers don't show any bubble until you start multi-selection via long-press.
Any news on this? That feature would be so welcome in general.
Can you potentially provide the realm file from an affected user? This issue looks so well known to me, it would be great to see if the file is corrupted...