> (sqlite journal is a temporary file that probably grows as it goes, so that fits idea) Under normal operation the sqlite journal file is created and removed often. Attempting...
The fix for 1400 resolves the problem when a file is growing but not one that is shrinking or deleted. To me the fundamental issue that needs to be decided...
> If Duplicati detects a file is being modified during backup, I think it should back up what it can BUT I think it's critical that a warning alert be...
> Do we think this problem is that widespread? Even if it is, what is the alternative to warning that the job wasn't 100% successful and listing the "problem" files?...
From what I've read so far, without VSS, most backup software will lock a file while backing it up.
It looks like open access using Drive.file will be costly. Bad news for any apps which backup Google Drive. So while Duplicati accesses only its own files it's still using...
So it seems Duplicati is allowing action by the user which shouldn't allowed or at least warned against in the UI. This goes more into another topic I've been thinking...
Resolved, fixed size. No scrollbars at the moment.
This a fix I want to see also. I'd be glad to be assigned to work on this issue,
I'd like to get feedback on my approach. I am thinking the existing checkbox language would be changed to identify when a reconnection dialog is displayed. A child setting would...