If you're running a forge server you can drop the [Schematica]( mod on to the server, and adjust the following configs: ``` server { # Allow players to load schematics....
> > If you're running a vanilla server, there's a spigot [snip] > > No, Spigot isn't vanilla. MB. Fixed.
What launcher are you using? If you're using anything other than, or wraps around the vanilla launcher, you need to put the schematics relative to the instance folder.
Try save a new schematic from in-game. Does it appear in that folder?
Might be difficult without changes on project E's end as well. In 1.7.10 the transmutation table's EMC is limited to a little over 1 billion.
I got different results when trying to reproduce your +100% Perk Effect Graph's Long Shot series, but I could be wrong as well. My one goes from 1x to 2.5x...