Robert R. Meyer
Robert R. Meyer
guard-migrate throws stacktrace when attempting to run in a Guard 2.10.4 environment Also, when navigating in pry, Guard sub-modules list does not include Migrate Let me know what else I...
Gem version pulled from RubyGems doesn't have `attr_accessor :allow_production_logs, :allowed_log_files` code. Please update.
I am using spork and including ResqueSpec.reset! in Spork.each_run block ``` Spork.each_run do require 'resque_spec' ResqueSpec.reset! end ``` However in the rspec tests, i am still getting failures due to...
On import of the project, after running `pip install -r requirements.txt` and running `python makemigrations && python migrate` Using the following packages with Python 3.5.3 ``` "django": {...
Add Redis configuration options in order to better expose configuration of backed - Update of README for examples - Update config for exposure of variables