
Results 4 issues of BleethNie

如图,繁体字完全无法识别 ![image](

1.运行环境 win10+docker desktop 3.2.2 2.运行步骤 1.下载image `docker pull binzhouchn/masr:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7` 2.运行项目: `docker run -d -p 5005:5005 -v C:\Users\xiaow\Desktop\a\masr:/workspace/masr -w /workspace/masr binzhouchn/masr:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7 gunicorn -b :5005 masr_server:app` 因为使用windows 运行,去掉sudo,同时去掉$pwd,改为绝对路径 3.错误结果如图 ![image](

1. # 插入排序算法 2. 3. 4. public static int[] Selection_Sort(int[] a) { 5. 6. int N = a.length; 7. int min = 0; 8. for (int i = 0; i...

I want to build a new linux version of the program ,but i get an error occurred,This error seems to be due to a duckdb dependency issue, but I don't...