Kanwal Singh
Kanwal Singh
Hello I am a first timer. Can anyone help regarding this issue?
Can anyone provide me with the resources how to fix this issue? As I am a beginner and don't know much about it.
I'll like to try this one
@wbamberg can you help me with this one ? I'm not able to understand how to apply offset property
@chrisdavidmills I have made the required changes for part 3 please review them and let me know if some more changes are required. And also could you elaborate what is...
@sideshowbarker could you please tell me what should I replace/update in the sidebar?
@posva I would like to give it a shot. And also could you guide me a little bit where should I look Into ?
@skirtles-code If you don't mind, can a newbie give it a shot?
@skirtles-code I'll start by reading the docs. BTW thanks for the guidance. 😊