sorry, i lost sources v1.1 i'd made some optimizations, but forgot where in code (need to review the code... again...)
can you send to [email protected] last log file after crash?
Thanks for reports, now i know which module is causing crash. Please, set "ShowWinner" : false,
I'll fix it
Pass needed only for solo-mode, so you keep passphrases.txt in miner's folder. Also, you always can disable logs in miner.conf. why you send your logs to Internet?
Another example: way id = [969631187]( duration 02:05. route time [04:38]( btw, [this way]( have 8 edges (codirectional)
@kevinkreiser You right, usually we spend a huge of time for waiting and loading cars onto the ferry. But about time and FerryCost - it's [another issue]( 😄
> @Blagodarenko how did you verify that those ferries would create more edges than 1 (well 2 directional ones)? I'm run [valhalla_ways_to_edges](, then found ferry's id in file way_edges.txt: format:...
[712562675]( - crossed by another ferries 3 times. [969631187]( - crossed 1 time. [845853263]( - selfcrossed? (loop, startpoint = endpoint).
Hi, i fixed it like: [current->overall_encoded_speed = constant_encoded_speed]( **>> 1**; converting 8-bit to 7 bit see