Results 8 comments of David Jones

I"m working on an update that addresses the recoverysizes and formats. I based the original setup on the win8 partition (that for some reason setup.exe on win10 and 2019 still...

yes. Microsoft changed thing up a little but and I did not test recovery fully. I ahve that fixed and am working to address recoery images. Seems the ISO setup.exe...

do you have an example of a working unattend.xml?

thanks for pointing that out.

In what case is having both architecture causing you an issue? None of my testing has ever shown an bad side effect to having both.

I don't like any of the alternates Pre-release of 2.0 should stay on GitHub, and after 1.0 only stable should be in the gallery.

I see your point, but if you willing to go beta in production (for good reason) then you should be competent enough to package a module from github. It would...

so long as older versions of find-module are going to default to -prerelease:$false from the server's perspective, I'm fine with that approach.