Removing libdecor-0-0 is definitely not an option as a fix as this is my output before removing The following packages will be REMOVED audacious audacious-plugins ffmpeg fluidsynth fs-uae fs-uae-launcher gimp...
AppImage is the way to go IMHO. Snaps are a canonical abyss
Thanks for the response it has helped. I now get this error even though i have glslang-dev installed: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:94 (find_package): By not providing "Findglslang.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this...
Exit and re-enter the settings tab? If so, that isnt working
Childish beyond belief
Nicely twisted. I refer to yourself and your comments
Ok cool. Please bear in mind that mounting a mixed mode image (1st track is data and then followed by audio tracks) doesn't mount as it should using regular methods...
I missed that one Ruan! Thanks
Maybe i'm being a little slow here but where exactly is this environment variables option during the creation of the flatimage Ruan?
Thanks Ruan. It would be a handy option to select whilst creating it.