Blake LaFleur
Blake LaFleur
Sorry @JakobDev I meant to push that fix earlier today and hadn't had a chance. Will get it fixed asap
bot, build net.blix.BlueMail
bot, build net.blix.BlueMail
> still can't find the icon I honestly don't know why it can't find it. I've messed with it and I'm sure it's something simple but the icon exists when...
bot, build net.blix.BlueMail
Looks like the checksum for extra-data has changed. I will get that updated
bot, build net.blix.BlueMail
Yes I did. I ended up writing my own TA SDK The issue here is that `oauth_body_signature` is missing from the requests, but is required by Twitter. (Undocumented)
I used the [Guzzle O-Auth Subscriber]( middleware to handle this for me.
Refer to this discussion between Hector, Myself, and some of the Twitter devs and what we did to resolve the issue. That will give you a better understanding of...