16.04 works fine for me. except that it thinks I'm in a chroot for some reason. The 14.10 script works fine.
Looks like it is possible to migrate things from the registry, However, it might be a pain to format this stuff for use in `Set-Content` for the `settings.ini` portable...
I already have the supporting libraries installed with mingw, including SDL. It even starts compiling. The problem I am running into is getting GCC to include SDL. No matter what...
D:\msys64\mingw64\include\SDL2 D:\msys64\mingw64\lib
Found the issue. For some reason `$(addprefix -I,$(sort $(PLATFORM_INCLUDE_DIR)))` Wasn't adding the paths to the compiler. I have them hard coded (for now) and now it has an issue...
Running into issue with unicode and minGW's lack of some kind of support. This says you only need to add `-municode` to the compiler options, but in doing so...
More news. It took me some time before I finally remembered paths were case sensitive on *nix, but when I did Supermodel pretty much built without any problems. It throws...
Yes, MSYS2 is being used. We can get supermodel to build on windows and linux in actions. I've given up on getting MacOS builds for now though. I don't have...
`git-(?'hash'[\da-z]+)` This should produce a hash capture group for use in the manifest.
That's a good question. I'm not sure. I've tried `-(?'hash'[\da-z]+)_Win64\X*?(?'date'[\d\-]{10})` which should work. But, it comes with multiple matches and scoop doesn't understand the `\X`. I don't know how to...