Birgit Boss
Birgit Boss
Workstream AAS Spec 2024-06-13 accepted: no change
You are right, this should be added.
Workstream AAS Specs Change to Constraint AASd-116: : "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key for SpecificAssetId/name with the semantics as defined in Note: AASd-116 is important to enable a...
solved in IDTA-01001-3-0-1:
2024-05-15 TF AAS Part 1 yes, this is the expected behavior, no bug ==> Specification Annex will be corrected: from " "0..*" or "0..3" etc. means that the list may...
see also similar to Part 2 we may combine optional and empty but this then needs to be explicitly specified
solved in IDTA-01001-3-0-1:
see so probably this issue can also be closed
dependency to
@g1zzm0 can you please have a look at the suggested changes of Sebastian and the merge?