Hi, Thanks for your code! The 'scale' and 'objpos' is also not provided offictially. How do you generate them? Expect for your guidance! Thank you!
Hi, Thanks for your code! But I just found original LSP dataset with 2000 images in the official website. I am very glad for your guidance!
Hi! Thanks for providing such a wonderful work. I have read your code and visualize results.I observe that two almost the same boxes have very different cls_score. I wonder if...
Hi @nihalsid, When I tried to train a model for hypersim ai_001_008 on the data generated by myself, I got a little worse mIoU 0.681 than the model (mIoU: 0.693)...
Hi, This line will sample a torch.float32 sigmas.( As a result, inp_noisy_latents is also converted to torch.float32 ( The same problem happens to ( Is this torch.float32 type tensor necesaary?...
Hi, thanks for your great work! I download your dataset and find vkitti normal is generated using "discontinuity-aware plane fitting". Does "discontinuity-aware plane fitting" implemented here? Thank you! Yanrui