Michelle Tilley

Results 59 comments of Michelle Tilley

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this issue. The atom-mocha-test-runner was designed to do way less automatic stuff when testing; the default Atom test runner mocks...

Just a note since I came across this pull request while doing some research; it looks like this code was merged in in ba3770ae2c975e0ca3589e1a8eba74d8fb2776fb but the issue wasn't closed.

What do you think of a change like BinaryMuse@fbd0209827c5069d5b9941ec483c74bfc09af276? I haven't tested it with an actual SSL server yet--any feedback is appreciated.

IIRC Faye does not work in development mode. From [its web site](http://faye.jcoglan.com/ruby.html): > ...and set the environment to production so that Rack does not load the development middlewares that are...

One (possibly crappy? :) idea for the "change the gem" direction is to check any possible wildcard channels if the signature passed to PrivatePub doesn't match the one for the...

Another potential solution (that Ryan alluded to in a [pull request](https://github.com/ryanb/private_pub/pull/9#issuecomment-974969)) would necessitate changes on PrivatePub's JavaScript side, but could be more flexible, namely, making the task of figuring out...

Excellent. Thanks for your work thus far; this has proven to be very useful!

Just at a glance, there are a couple small issues here. First, the `addRow` function of `Root` is incorrect. You're *instantiating* a new `Row` instance, and adding it to the...

If you use keys when creating your rows in the array, then the button shouldn't be recreated — Etch should be smart enough to insert the new rows above it....

> or alternatively deleting any property the user assigns to `null` on a DOM node This is what I'd prefer (and expect) to see, given that it's not easy to...