Bill XU

Results 4 comments of Bill XU

> Hi @Bill-XU. Sorry you hit an error. May I ask which model and/or model architecture you tried converting? Logs with a more specific error should be available [here]( Hi...

Setting parameter "multiprocess" to False disables multiprocessing ability of separator `separator = Separator('spleeter:2stems', multiprocess = False)`

> > > Have you resolved this issue? > > > no, but i try use ubuntu system , It didn't happen. > > [这篇文章里](有提到,在`Windows`需要使用`-P eventlet`启动。刚才试了一下,可以正常运行。 Eventlet 不是 多进程 的,无法用于...

Add code before initializing celery app. ```python os.environ['FORKED_BY_MULTIPROCESSING'] = '1' ``` see this blog: