> @cdcseacave 我还是想不通。这是一个新的例子。 我使用 COLMAP 获取相机姿势和 InterfaceCOLMAP 命令获取 scene.mvs 似乎当我使用 DensifyPointCloud 而不放置我自己的 .dmap 文件时,融合点云是正确的。 但是如果我用自己的.dmap文件(没有法线图和置信度图),结果就出错了。 我同时使用了 DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs,所以我认为问题出在我的 .dmap 文件中? [稀疏.zip]( Have you solved this problem?
> 我没有机会在ClothSeq数据集上测试代码。我的猜测是输入扫描的全局尺度或顶点密度不同,可能需要不同的超参数。 How should the global scale be modified to suit?
> > pfm pfm文件文件个设法设法设法生成了运行但是但是但是但是运行运行但是后后后后后后,pfm pfm pfm pfm文件文件文件文件文件文件文件文件根本根本根本没有没有被被被被采用采用采用。依赖于依赖于依赖于依赖于依赖于依赖于依赖于依赖于依赖于还是还是还是还是pfm文件无关? > > 请确认这一点。谢谢! > > 是的你是对的。正如我在README中所说的,现在有的代码只是OpenMVS。我没有发布将生成的pfm文件转换为dmp格式的代码。可以参考 [ blob/master/libs/MVS/Interface.h#L631]( Have you solved this problem?
Further, I seem to have solved the problem of the npz file. The problem now is that the size of the pose array in the npy file saved by ICON...
Now I seem to have solved this problem, but the result with SCANimate is very poor, can't see that it is a human shape, but I haven't tried to remove...
> > Hi, thank you very much for the great work, it's cool. I want to implement ICON+SCANimate now, but I have two questions I would like to ask you....
> > > > Hi, thank you very much for the great work, it's cool. I want to implement ICON+SCANimate now, but I have two questions I would like to...
> > > > Hi, thank you very much for the great work, it's cool. I want to implement ICON+SCANimate now, but I have two questions I would like to...
> @Bill-WangJiLong did you get the correct avatar by SCANimate? The problem I mentioned above seems to be caused by inconsistent global scales, but I ultimately failed to achieve good...
> Yes, you can use either the whole ECON (`xxx_full.obj`) or the partial ECON (depth map optimized from d-BiNI) as inputs of SCANimate. Thank you for your reply! Can the...