
Results 18 comments of BigfootACA

have you verified on your device that it can boot?

what is the blue screen code?

in fact, the sd835 (msm8998) driver is also included in woa-drivers repo

good job! but there are too many commits, can you merge them?

and devices.json seems to be damaged, can you check it? `parse error: Invalid string: control characters from U+0000 through U+001F must be escaped at line 156, column 4`

great, but this pull request contains too many commits and might mess up git commit history, could you please merge it into fewer commits?

still the same problem, too many commits, can you merge them into a few?

> 也就是说,EDK2有没有对小米5的支持 只是没人去做,但你可以试试

> 有没有mi5的uos? 手上暂时没有小米5手机,所以说暂时不会做