I'm interested to know how this is going as I have some similar issues to the OP. My Google Drive uploads had been working fine, but stopped after I made...
Further - I've tried a number of the actions suggested both by and to the OP, and again have similar findings. My motioneye logs have these entries each time I...
My uploadservices.json looks like this: { "1": { "gdrive": { "authorization_key": "4/1AX4XfWg2h1sYIqWbjvAQKoQUGT1Uy9unTMEsw4rktEU8GdTdxxHZVAkmeAg", "credentials": null, "location": "/loungeipcam/" } } } The key seems to match what I got from Google security...
Can confirm after further testing this afternoon, such as resets of motioneye, rentry of camera and authorization details, plus clearing out Google Drive folders, I have compared to the OP...
Today I have seen images and video appear on my Google Drive with no changes made at my MotionEye or Home Assistant end. Perhaps an intermittent issue with Google Drive...
I'm just starting to try and use this power wheel card on a new solar/battery integration into HA 2022.8 latest. Has there been any development on the card to improve...
Very similar Blink issue after today's update to 2023.9.3
Had to wait but working again for me now.
Same error started for me just after 2022.11 update at start of November 2022.
Not sure if same underlying cause but a few of my Tapo bulbs need reinstalling on a regular basis (since 2023.12 I think). Log messages: ``` 2023-12-14 22:34:54.421 ERROR (MainThread)...