Bezuglov Svyatoslav
Bezuglov Svyatoslav
**Describe the bug** CTRL+/ not working **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Write ```noremap :help``` in init.vim file 2. Reload cfg and try to CTRL+/ **Expected behavior** In...
I hereby agree to the terms of the CLA available at: Description of changes: Добавил информацию об установке драйверов при помощи команды `dracut` Это актуально для новых RPM дистрибутивов,...
I hereby agree to the terms of the CLA available at: Description of changes: Добавил в название systemd юнита wildcard, чтобы команду можно было выполнить в RPM-based дистрибутивах, так...
**What would you like to be added**: Defect Dojo integration **Why is this needed**: For tracking issues in one place
It would be convenient to add third-party manifests. Something like this: ``` {{- range .Values.extraObjects }} --- {{- if kindIs "map" . }} {{ tpl (toYaml .) $ }} {{-...
Hi! How can I add custom labels to promtail daemonset? In helm chart only predefined labels are available `daemonset.yaml` ```tpl labels: {{- include "promtail.labels" . | nindent 4 }} ```...
**Which component are you using?**: VPA **What version of the component are you using?**: Component version: 1.2.0 **What k8s version are you using (`kubectl version`)?**: kubectl version Output OKD: 4.12.0-0.okd-2023-02-04-212953...
### Kyverno Version 1.11.5 ### Kubernetes Version 1.25.x ### Kubernetes Platform OpenShift ### Kyverno Rule Type Generate ### Description We have another policy to work with VPA, based on `Deployment/scale`...
If host using a SSH Jump Host via ProxyJump directive in SSH config and user rename Jump Host for using fast-ssh grouping, like `work/jump-prod` then SSH would print an error...